VXI TVS600の取扱説明書

デバイスVXI TVS600の取扱説明書

デバイス: VXI TVS600
カテゴリ: 電子アクセサリー
メーカー: VXI
サイズ: 0.06 MB
追加した日付: 4/20/2014
ページ数: 24



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VXI TVS600 取扱説明書 - Online PDF
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次のページにある説明書VXI TVS600の内容のプレビューは、以下にあります。次のページにある説明書の内容をすぐに表示したい場合は、こちらをご利用ください。


TVS600 & TVS600A Series
Waveform Analyzers
This document supports firmware version 1.5 and


Copyright  Tektronix, Inc. All rights reserved. Licensed software products are owned by Tektronix or its suppliers and are protected by United States copyright laws and international treaty provisions. Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013, or subparagraphs (c)(1) and (2) of the Commercial Computer Software – Restricted Rights clause a


Quick Reference to TVS600 & TVS600A Commands This manual provides an abbreviated reference to the commands of TVS600 and TVS600A Series Waveform Analyzers. Use this reference to find the correct syntax for the commands. The commands are grouped by subsystem node and listed in alphabetical order. In general, the term TVS600A includes the TVS600A and the TVS600 models. Some commands apply only to TVS600A models; these commands appear in bold type. Syntax Commands ending with “?” are queries only.


Quick Reference to TVS600 & TVS600A Commands Commands can also include the argument-type enumerated; for this type, the alternative argument forms are listed as follows: Form: Example: Sometimes the forms are combined, for example: which means: (one of CHAN 1, CHAN 2 , CHAN 3, or CHAN 4) OR AATS OR (one of CALC1, CALC2, CALC3, or CALC4) For detailed descriptions of the commands an


Quick Reference to TVS600 & TVS600A Commands Commands Some commands in the following list apply only to TVS600A models; these commands appear in bold type. AADVance Commands in the [SENSe:]AADVance subsystem control how auto-advance acquisition records are acquired and transferred to a VXIbus controller. AADVance [:STATe][?] :COUNt[?] :RECord :COUNt[?] :STARt[?] ABORT This command in the ABORt subsystem operates in combination with the ARM and TRIGger subsystems to st


Quick Reference to TVS600 & TVS600A Commands AVERage Commands in the [SENSe:]AVERage subsystem control averaging (on incoming waveforms) in the SENSe block, which occurs prior to processing of the waveforms by the CALCulate block. AVERage [:STATe][?] :COUNt[?] :TYPE[?] CALCulage Commands in the CALCulate subsystem process and perform measurements on acquisition records. These calculations are typically performed immediately after the waveform


Quick Reference to TVS600 & TVS600A Commands :HPASs[?] :LPASs[?] :SPAN[?] :SREJection[?] :STARt[?] :STATe[?] :STOP[?] :TWIDth[?] :FORMat[?] :IMMediate[?] :INTegral :STATe[?] :PATH[?] :EXPRession[?] :SMOothing [:STATe][?] :POINts[?] :TRANsform :FREQuency :ST


Quick Reference to TVS600 & TVS600A Commands :EDGE[?] :GATE[?] :METHod[?] ABSolute | RELative :STARt [:ABSolute][?] :RELative[?] :STOP [:ABSolute][?] :RELative[?] :HIGH[?] :HMEThod[?] :LOW[?] :LMEThod[?] :HREFerence [:ABSolute][?] :RELative[?] :LREFerence [:ABSolute][?] :RELative[?] :MREFerence [:ABSolute][?] :HYSTeresis[?] :RELative[?] :RM


Quick Reference to TVS600 & TVS600A Commands CALibration Commands in the CALibration subsystem run the waveform analyzer self-calibration functions. CALibration [:ALL][?] :RESults [:CODE]? :VERBose? :PROBe[n][?] :RESults? DATA? Commands in the [SENSe:]FUNCtion and [SENSe:]DATA subsystems control sense functions and provide a means of accessing the data produced by the sense functions. DATA? :PREamble? FORMat Commands in the FORMat subsystem set the f


Quick Reference to TVS600 & TVS600A Commands :DINTerchange[?] FUNCtion Commands in the [SENSe:]FUNCtion and [SENSe:]DATA subsystems control sense functions and provide a means of accessing the data produced by the sense functions. FUNCtion [:ON][?] :ALL :COUNt? :OFF[?] :ALL :COUNt? :CONCurrent[?] :STATe? , INITiate Commands in the INITiate subsystem operate in combination with the ARM


Quick Reference to TVS600 & TVS600A Commands :FILTer [:LPASs] [:STATe][?] :FREQuency[?] :IMPedance[?] :PROBe :ATTenuation? :IDENtification? :OFFSet? :PROTection :STATe[?] MEMory Commands in the MEMory subsystem store and retrieve instrument settings. The waveform analyzer can store the current instrument state in any of ten nonvolatile memory locations or in a file on your controller. MEMory :DATA[?] :NSTates? :STATe :CATalog? :DEFine? <


Quick Reference to TVS600 & TVS600A Commands OUTPut Commands in the OUTPut subsystem route signals to the VXIbus trigger lines and enable the probe compensation signals and reference signals. OUTPut :ECLTrg [:STATE][?] :POLarity[?] :SOURce[?] :PCOMpensate [:STATE][?] FUNCtion[?] :REFerence [:STATE][?] :FUNCtion[?] :TTLTrg [:STATE][?] :POLarity[?]


Quick Reference to TVS600 & TVS600A Commands [SENSe:] Commands in the [SENse:] system appear in the references that follow: [SENSe:] see AADVance see AVERage see DATA see FUNCtion see ROSCillator see SWEep see VOLTage STATus Commands in the STATus subsystem can determine the state of the waveform analyzer and control what events can interrupt the system controller. For an overview of the status and event reporting system, refer to your user manual. STATus :OPERation [:EVENt]? :CONDition?


Quick Reference to TVS600 & TVS600A Commands :QUEStionable [:EVENt]? :CONDition? :ENABle[?] | :NTRansition[?] | :PTRansition[?] | :QENable :NTRansition[?] | :PTRansition[?] | :SESR :QENable[?] | SWEep Commands in the [SENSe:]SWEep subsystem control the acquisition time base for all VOLTage[n] acquisitions. SWEep :OFFSet :POINts[?] :TIME[?] :OREFerence :LOCation[?] :POINts[?] :TIME[?] :TINTerva


Quick Reference to TVS600 & TVS600A Commands SYSTem Commands in the SYSTem subsystem program utility functions and return version information about the waveform analyzer. SYSTem :AUToset :VOLTage :SWEep :TRIGger :BDATe[?] , , :CDATe[?] , , :COMMunicate :SERial :BAUD[?] :CONTrol :DCD[?] :RTS[?] :ECHO[?] :ERESponse[?] :LBUFfer[?] :PACE[?] :P


Quick Reference to TVS600 & TVS600A Commands :ERRor [:NEXT]? :ALL? :CODE [:NEXT]? :ALL? :COUNt? :PROTect[?] :SECurity :IMMediate :SET[?] :VERSion? TEST Commands in the TEST subsystem execute the internal self-tests of the waveform analyzer module and return the pass or fail status. TEST [:ALL][?] :RESults [:CODE]? :VERBose? :STOP 14 TVS600 & TVS600A Series Waveform Analyzers Reference


Quick Reference to TVS600 & TVS600A Commands TRACe? Commands in the Trace subsystem transfer acquisition records or measurement results and their data preambles from the waveform analyzer to the VXIbus controller or to internal REF storage locations. (The data preamble includes scaling and length informa- tion for the associated data record.) See the FORMAT subsystem for setting the format for data transfers. The query does not return data until pending acquisitions or calculations complete. Hen


Quick Reference to TVS600 & TVS600A Commands TRIGger[:A] Commands in the TRIGger[:A] subsystem operate in combination with the ARM, INITiate, TRIGger:B and ABORt subsystems to trigger acquisitions. The defined alias for the SCPI trigger :SEQuence[1] is A. TRIGger [:A] :ATRigger [:STATe][?] :COUPling[?]AC | DC : :DEFine? :DELay[?] :FILTer [:LPASs] [:LPASs] [:STATe][?] :HPASs [:STATe][?] :NREJect[?] [:STATe][?] :HOLDoff :TIME[?] :L


Quick Reference to TVS600 & TVS600A Commands :SOURce[?] :TYPE[?] TRIGger[:A]:PULSe Commands in the TRIGger:PULSe subsystem provide the capability to trigger when a pulse occurs that is outside specified parameters. TRIGger [:A] :PULSe :CLASs[?] :GLITch :POLarity[?] :QUALify[?] :WIDTh[?] :SOURce[?


Quick Reference to TVS600 & TVS600A Commands TRIGger[:A]:LOGic Commands in the TRIGger:LOGic subsystem provide the capability to trigger on logic patterns, clocked or not clocked. TVS600A models only. TRIGger [:A] :LOGic :CLASs[?] :CONDition[?] :FUNCtion[?] :PATTern :QUALify[?] :WIDTh[?] :STATe :SLOPe[?] :THReshold[n][?] TRIGger[:A]:SHOLdtime Commands in the TRIGger:SHOLdt

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