Bedienungsanleitung Exmark Lazer Z Mower 4500-645

Bedienungsanleitung für das Gerät Exmark Lazer Z Mower 4500-645

Gerät: Exmark Lazer Z Mower 4500-645
Kategorie: Rasenmäher
Produzent: Exmark
Größe: 4.19 MB
Datum des Hinzufügens: 6/13/2014
Seitenanzahl: 64
Anleitung drucken


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Exmark Lazer Z Mower 4500-645 Handbuch - Online PDF
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Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 1

For Serial Nos.
850,000 & Higher
Lazer Z (LP Units)
Par t No. 4500-645 Rev . A

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 2

Important: T he engine in this pr oduct is not equipped with a spar k ar r ester muf fler . It is a violation of Calif or nia Public R esource Code (CPR C) Section 4442 to use or operate this engine on an y f or est-co v er ed, br ush-co v er ed, or g rass-co v er ed land as defined in CPR C 4126. Other states or federal ar eas may ha v e similar la ws. T o acquire a spark ar rester for y our unit, see y our Engine Ser vice Dealer . T his spark ignition system complies with Canadian ICES-002 Ce

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 3

Introduction CONGRATULATIONS on the purc hase of y our Exmark Mo w er . T his product has been carefully designed and man ufactured to gi v e y ou a maxim um amount of de pendability and years of trouble-free operation. T his man ual contains operating, maintenance , adjustment, and safety instr uctions for y our Exmark mo w er . BEFORE OPERATING Y OUR MO WER, CAREFULL Y READ THIS MANU AL IN ITS ENTIRETY . By follo wing the operating, maintenance , and safety instr uctions , y ou will prolong th

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 4

Adjusting the P arking Brak e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Contents Electric Clutc h Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Motion Control Linkag e Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Motion Control Damper Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 5

Safety T he LPG infor mation in this Operator’ s man ual is Safety pro vided only as a guide . Consult the NFP A 58: Liquefied P etroleum Gas Code , 2008 Edition for Safety Alert Symbol additional safety infor mation. T his National Fire Protection Association (NFP A) code per tains to the T his Safety Aler t Symbol ( Figure 2 ) is used both in handling, storing, transpor ting, and usag e of LPG . this man ual and on the mac hine to identify impor tant • R ead the Operator’ s Man ual and other t

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 6

Safety CAUTION DANGER T his machine pr oduces sound lev els in LPG fuel is extr emel y flamma ble and v apor s ex cess of 85 dB A at the operator’ s ear and ar e explosi v e. can cause hearing loss thr ough extended A fir e or explosion fr om LPG fuel can bur n periods of exposur e. y ou, other s, and cause pr oper ty dama ge. W ear hearing pr otection when operating this • Nev er smok e ar ound tank(s) and stay machine. a w ay fr om an open flame or wher e fumes may be ignited by a spar k. • In

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 7

Safety DANGER DANGER LPG fuel is extr emel y flamma ble and v apor s LPG v apor s and liquid escaping fr om the ar e explosi v e. tank may cause serious injur y or death. V apor s or liquid may cause suf f ocation, • In case of fir e tak e the f ollo wing steps: fr eezing of tissue, or fr ostbite. 1. If y ou can safel y do so, stop the flo w of • Stor e and ser vice the mo w er in a w ell gas as quickl y as possible. Nev er put v entilated ar ea. out flame unless gas can be shut of f. • An appr

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 8

Safety – T he LPG tank should be free of dents or so , remo v e the tank from y our mo w er; damag e . If the tank sho w signs of dents or otherwise , contact trained and qualified damag e , re place it immediately . personnel immediately . – Chec k the v alv e and fitting openings for dir t ◊ If no bubbles are detected, the LPG tank and debris . ma y be used. – Slo wly open the v alv e all the w a y and listen • W eekl y: for a contin uous hiss from the regulator , it – Chec k the entire LPG fu

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 9

Safety W ARNING W ARNING Engine exhaust contains carbon mono xide, Hands, feet, hair , clothing , or accessories can which is an odor less deadl y poison that can become entang led in r otating par ts. Contact kill y ou. with the r otating par ts can cause traumatic amputation or sev er e lacerations. Do Not r un engine indoor s or in a small • Do Not operate the machine without confined ar ea wher e danger ous carbon guards, shields, and safety devices in mono xide fumes can collect. place and

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 10

Safety • W atc h for ditc hes , holes , roc ks , dips and rises that DANGER c hang e the operating angle , as rough ter rain could o v er tur n the mac hine . Operating on w et g rass or steep slopes can cause sliding and loss of contr ol. W heels • A v oid sudden star ts when mo wing uphill because dr opping o v er edges, ditches, steep banks, or the mo w er ma y tip bac kw ards . w ater can cause r ollo v er s, which may r esult • Be a w are that operating on w et g rass , across stee p in ser

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 11

Safety dri ving under any objects and Do Not contact • Disconnect batter y or remo v e spark plug wire them. before making any re pairs . Disconnect the neg ati v e ter minal first and the positi v e last. • In the ev ent of a rollo v er , tak e the unit to an R econnect positi v e first and neg ati v e last. A uthorized Ser vice Dealer to ha v e the R OPS inspected. • Use care when c hec king blades . W rap the blade(s) or w ear glo v es , and use caution when ser vicing them. Only re place dam

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 12

Safety CAUTION W ARNING If the ignition is in the “ON” position ther e Hy draulic fluid escaping under pr essur e is potential f or spar ks and enga gement can penetrate skin and cause injur y . F luid of components. Spar ks could cause an accidentall y injected into the skin must be explosion or mo ving par ts could accidentall y surgicall y r emo v ed within a few hour s by a enga ge causing per sonal injur y . doctor f amiliar with this f or m of injur y or gang r ene may r esult. Be sur e ig

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 13

Safety Safety and Instructional Decals • K ee p all safety signs legible . R emo v e all g rease , • New safety signs ma y be obtained from dir t and debris from safety signs and instr uctional y our authorized Exmark equipment dealer or labels . distributor or from Exmark Mfg . Co . Inc . • R e place all w or n, damag ed, or missing safety • Safety signs ma y be affix ed b y peeling off the signs . bac king to expose the adhesi v e surface . Apply only to a clean, dr y surface . Smooth to remo

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 14

Safety 109-3148 109-7232 1. Fast 3. Neutral 2. Slow 4. Reverse 107-2102 109-7330 107-21 12 109-7929 14

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 15

Safety 1 16-0157 1. See Operator ’ s manual 109-9361 Deck Drive Belt Routing 1 16-0205 1 16-021 1 109-9875 15

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 16

Safety 1 17-2718 1 16-0752 1. Latch 2. Unlatch Hour Message Display 1. Hour Meter 4. Neutral 2. PT O 5. Operator ’ s presence 1 16-1714 switch 3. Parking Brake 6. Battery 1 16-2643 PT O Switch Symbols 1. PT O–disengage 2. PT O–engage 1 16-3261 1. Throttle - fast 2. Throttle - slow 16

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 17

Safety 109-7069 109-9906 17

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 18

Specifications Specifications Model Numbers Serial Nos: 850,000 and Higher LZAS29KA604LP; LZAS29KA724LP; LZZ29KA606LP Systems and prev ent the engine from operating . T his ma y also result in per manent fuel system damag e and the release of highly flammable propane liquid or v apor . Engine • Engine Specifications: See y our Engine Owner’ s Electrical System Man ual • Charging System: Flywheel Alter nator • RPM: Full Speed: 3750 ±50 RPM (PTO not eng ag ed) Idle: 1500 ±100 RPM • Charging Capaci

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 19

Specifications Note: Motion control lev ers are adjustable to with Custom Ride Seat Suspension or Delux e tw o heights . Suspension Seat. Adds appro ximately 1 inc h (2.5 cm) to seat height. Seat Isolation System – Se parate lev ers , on eac h side of the console , is standard on all LZZ-LP units . control speed and direction of tra v el of the respecti v e dri v e wheels . • Mounting: – Steering is controlled b y v ar ying the position – LZZ-LP Units: Hing ed seat frame to tilt up of the lev er

Inhaltszusammenfassung zur Seite Nr. 20

Specifications T ires & Wheels protection. Dec k design allo ws for bag ging, m ulc hing or side disc harg e . Dri v e – 60 inc h Dec k: 4 anti-scalp rollers Pneumatic (Air filled) – 72 inc h Dec k: 4 anti-scalp rollers Quantity 2 • Dec k De pth: T read “Multi-T rac C/S” Size 24 x 12.00-12 – 60 inc h Dec k: 5.5 inc hes (14 cm) 4 Ply Rating – 72 inc h Dec k: 5.5 inc hes (14 cm) Pressure 13 psi (90 kP a) • Cutting Height Adjustment: F oot acti v ated lev er is used to adjust the cutting F ront Cas

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